Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to make tutoring fun so that your students learn the best

How to make tutoring fun so that your students learn the best How To Make Tutoring Fun? ChaptersWhat Do Games Have To Do With Learning?Games For Every SubjectAdapt The Learning Games To The LearnerImprove General Culture While LearningThe industry of private tuition and tutoring is constantly evolving in the era of new technology we live in. Independent private tutors face a tough competition from big tutoring companies.That is why most independent private tutors are always looking for new ways to improve their lessons and make them more playful.More and more apps mix real drawing and virtual drawing to the enjoyment of children and to make sure they stay grounded in reality. (by Toca Boca)Engaging students is primordial.In an interview given to the magazine Challenges, Yann Leguillon (co-founder of declared that “in France, 400,000 people offer private tutoring services, students, teacher or passionate people.” Tutoring opportunities are wonderful alternative jobs for teachers who want to get out of the classroom and make a difference on a one-on-one basis.From 2013 to 2016, 170,000 students joined Superprof to take a home tutoring lesson.When you are a private tutor, going from student’s house to student’s house, a key for success is to offer a playful and engaging lesson to each tutored child.Here are a few ideas to make your classes more entertaining.Learning through music is especially adapted to private tutored lessons.From Year 1, school education programs and pace can sometimes be too much for pupils having difficulties or disabilities. Lessons are compartmentalised, and children quickly fall behind the rest of the classroom.However, Year 1 to 3 are crucial for the rest of a child’s education and should not be considered lightly. This is when spelling and counting skills start to develop and the level of literacy of kids will be greatly affected by those years.This is why many parents and educators tend to use or recommend preschool games and activities to teach preschoolers the basic of letter recognition, thinkin g skills, language skills, number sense and recognizing meaningful concepts.A private home tutor is here for following up and helping the constant improvements of a child and his or her school results.It is also important to identify the type of memorisation that works the best for each child: visual, audio or kinesthetic.Up to 65% of children are more likely to memorise best using their vision.To be able to catch up with the rest of the class and the school curriculum, a child must be at the centre of its own learning, he or she must be engaged in each lesson that must be learned or each exercise that is completed.What apps are available to encourage this type of learning?Students must be able to self-assess their homework.It is pretty much self-teaching.A child must be encouraged to correct him or herself, by checking the answers of a calculus exercise or by reading and recording a French text to self-correct the pronunciation.“The essence of mathematics is not to make simple th ings complicated, but to make complicated things simple.” - Stanly Gudder,  Distinguished University Professor of Mathematics at the University of DenverLearning can be made fun using learning apps or educational games as long as it is guided by a parent or a teacher.Adapt The Learning Games To The LearnerOf course, each child is different and lesson, as well as games, should be adapted case by case.If it is not the case it will be hard to keep a student engaged.There are thousands if not more of game-based learning apps ranging from preschool level to secondary schools and even university levels, and kindergarten kids can learn math skills, shapes, simple addition and subtraction  through puzzles, quizzes or colouring while older students can tackle geometry, chemistry and improve their problem-solving skills for example.It is the responsibility of the tutor to use creative, original and playful ways to effectively engage the learner in the learning process.How to do that? By fin ding what makes a child tic. Finding out the interest of a child will be crucial in adapting the lessons for each student.Video games, films and TV shows, music, literature or science, there are no wrong ways to get students really interested in the learning process.Even though those interests are rarely in line with GCSE or A-level exams, each of them can somehow be linked to a subject of the exams.How to engage kids that are already behind their peers or who have learning difficulties?An individualized follow-up allows the teacher to adapt the subject of lessons according to the taste of the child and linking an interest to an actual school subject.Playful Education is actually a great way to;Have children enjoying to learnGive children a sense of fulfilmentGive children freedomGet children to have a relaxing learning environmentExplore new subjectsBoost children's self-confidenceHave fun!There are a lot of learning methods out there that are based on creativity and games and are used to strengthenthe skills and knowledge of students. The Montessori method being the most famous and efficient of them according to many.Siblings can now play and learn together with the last generation of educational gamesImprove General Culture While LearningOn the Internet, there are plenty of mobile apps aiming to extend or improve anyone’s general culture while learning concepts useful to school subjects.Play History Games or multi-choice quiz, true or false and so on, allows summoning many different school subjects in only a few questions.Children will literally learn as they play and will develop their critical spirit.“Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.” â€" Albert EinsteinBut A-level students taking A-levels in History or Classical Studies can watch historical movies or TV shows to reinforce his class learnings.Many movies include History and Geography and can be used for students to learn: The Schindler’s List, The Pianist, Goodbye Lenin!, 12 years a slave, Gladiators, The Color Purple, etc.Though it will be important to fact check the script of the movies, process that will also give a chance to the student to learn more about any subject.When studying English, why not analysing some of the incredible mini-series the BBC has been producing for the past few years: Bleak House, Cranford, North and South, Madam Bovary, He knew he was Right, Jane Eyre, Great Expectations, are only a few examples.But with the advent of streaming platforms many more historical series can be viewed online; Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife, Vikings, The Last Kingdom, Father Brown and the brilliant The Crown.Now discover more ways to make learning fun for your students!

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